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Since October 2021, when the die-off of crustaceans off the north east coast of England occurred, the North East Fishing Collective (NEFC) has been campaigning tirelessly to be heard and to uncover the truth behind the North East crustacean die-offs in order to preserve marine life and livelihoods.

Aside from campaigning NEFC have also enabled research to find out what caused the die off, supported by the universities of Newcastle, York, Durham and Hull. NEFC have contributed to the enquiries into the die off. NEFC continues to liaise with local and national government to seek help not just for the local fishing industry but for the health of the marine environment.

It is not abnormal for things to wash up on beaches, whether it is seaweed ripped up and washed ashore by storms, or dead creatures who have exhausted the local food supply, but is it normal when these events happen continuously for 20 months?

The NEFC knows that something is not right with the local north east waters from their hands on involvement in the sea, the empty inshore fishing grounds, the change in the species they see at sea, the rocks with no seaweed or algae on them they see from their windows, the boats with unfouled hulls, ….

The NEFC has pulled together this list of observations related to marine die off incidents that have been reported by people along the north east coast.

The NEFC hopes this list gives you an idea of just how abnormal what is happening on the north east coast is right along the coast …, Saltburn, Redcar, Marske, Seaton Carew, Hartlepool, …..

Find out more about the North East Fishing Collective on Twitter -, or Facebook - or contribute to funding the research to find out what is causing the die off -

You can also find the Environment Agency's log of related call as obtained by a Freedom of Information Request - EA Log of Calls Related to Marine Die Offs

DateLocation Species Description Supporting Evidence Reported AgencyIncident number Outcome
25/ 09/ 2021Greatham Creek Shore Crab Crabs on tyres at Gratham Creek reported dead/ dying.
26 & 27/ 09/ 2021Hartlepool AreaCrab/ lobster catches Fishermen from commerical fleet noticed significant reduction in catches. Lots of dead lobsters inm pots. Weak lobsters dying before landed
30/ 09/ 2021South Gare, River Tees N/ AMember on South Gare Facebook questioning why UKD Orca had been continuously dredging the same area since September 25th. www.northeastfc.uk_dieoff_210930.jpg
05/ 10/ 2021South Gare, River Tees & subsequent affected areas Crab/ lobster & crustacean species Member of the public reported dead shellfish washed up at South Gare www.northeastfc.uk_dieoff_211005a.jpgYes Environment Agency/ NEIFCA
05/ 10/ 2021South Gare Razor bills Significant numbers of dead birds including 15 razor bills www.northeastfc.uk_dieoff_211005b.jpgYes Environment Agency/ NEIFCA
07/ 10/ 2021Tees Esturary ShellfishNEIFCA received EA email advising washed up shellfish at Bran Sands and Paddy's Hole. Yes Environment Agency/ NEIFCA
07/ 10/ 2021Seaton Carew, Hartlepool ShellfishEmail received from CEFAS informing of mass mortality of crabs washing up on the shore of Seaton Carew beach in Hartlepool. Reported to CEFAS by Hartlepool Council. Also have anecdotal reports of mixed species in the mortality and querying if NEIFCA have received similar reports. CEFAS requested samples of edible crabs to rule out any disease agents.www.northeastfc.uk_dieoff_211007a.jpg www.northeastfc.uk_dieoff_211007b-thumb.jpgYes NEIFCA/ CEFAS/ Hartlepool Borough Council
08/ 10/ 2021Redcar (North Scaurs)Edible sore crab and velvet crabShore officer found areas of dead shellfish on the beach washed up. Clear visual spasming and struggling to breathe. Yes NEIFCA/ CEFASSamples taken by officers and frozen for testing.
08/ 10/ 2021South Gare Shellfish & toxic smellNEIFCA officers joint testing with EA of samples including lobsters. Large quantities of lobsters found in rockpools dead, officers reported strong toxic smell in area and on dead shellfish. Yes NEIFCA/ CEFAS/ EA Samples taken by officers and frozen for testing.
08/ 10/ 2021South Gare ShellfishF2F conversation between NEIFCA officer and member of the public reporting dead shellfish/ crab in tyres. MOP reported working for ICI and comented on dredgers continuous work in area. Yes NEIFCAShellfish observed by NEIFCA officers.
10/ 10/ 2021North & South Gare/ Seaton Carew Crabs/ lobsters Reports of dead lobsters and other shellfish in area. Starfish and oyster catchers also reported dead in the area. Yes NEIFCA
11/ 10/ 2021Berwick (Spittal Beach) Crabs/ lobstersReports of wash up at Spittal Beach at Berwick with 50+ crabs and lobsters. www.northeastfc.uk_dieoff_211011.jpgYes NEIFCA/ CEFAS/ EA
12/ 10/ 2021RedcarCrabs/ lobsters & toxic sludge Commerical fishermen reported black fluid on water over wide areas - stuck to hands, pots and vessel. Other fishermen reported 50% - 100% of keep pot graded shellfish dead. No adverse weather conditions. Yes NEIFCAIf sludge was seen again, asked to collect samples for agencies.
13/ 10/ 2021South Gare Shellfish Joint agencies conversation with commercial fishermen - lobsters in keep pots dead after 24hr - no longer able to keep. Yes NEIFCA/ CEFAS/ EA Intel submitted by NEIFCA
13/ 10/ 2021South Gare Shellfish & sediment Conversation with commerical fisherman about loss of shellfish from keep pots. Reports of dredger going 30ft deeper than normal and sediment had not settled. Bank side collapse reported. Yes NEIFCAIntel submitted to agencies
18/ 10/ 2021Redcar ShellfishCommerical fisherman reported only catching 3 lobsters - only one viable as others dead. Had worked 225 pots/ 6 fleets. Concern over Mmo landing app not recording 0.5kg. Yes NEIFCAIntel submitted to agencies
18/ 10/ 2021Redcar lack of catch LSP vessel reported that nothing alive at sea and bait untouched for 7 days. Yes NEIFCAIntel submitted to agencies
18/ 10/ 2021Redcarlack of catch Fisherman reported approx 10kg of lobsters in keep pot and only 4 alive. 40 years in industry and not seen anything like this. Yes NEIFCAIntel submitted to agencies
18/ 10/ 2021Redcarlack of catch Fisherman landed 6 lobsters from 200 pots working inside and outside of 2NM. No lobsters or crabs inside 2NM - bait untouched. Yes NEIFCAIntel submitted to agencies
18/ 10/ 2021Redcarlack of catch Merchant & fisherman reported nothing being caught 2NM - no lobsters or crabs and bait untouched. Merchant reported survival rates in tanks decreased. Yes NEIFCAIntel submitted to agencies
18/ 10/ 2021Longscarr Buoy, Seaton Carewlack of catch Phone call with merchant who had been contacted by diving friend who charters trips. Had taken 2 commerical divers down buoy off longscar - reported completely full sea bed of dead crustaceans. Very deep in parts Yes NEIFCAIntel submitted to agencies
21/ 10/ 2021Hartlepool Arealack of catch Phone call with commerical fisherman = no catch in pots and all shellfish dead week prior. Yes NEIFCAIntel submitted to agencies
22/ 10/ 2021SkinningroveshellfishReports of wash up shellfish - officers patrolled area.
22/ 10/ 2021Staithesshellfish deaths NEIFCA met with merchant - segregation all areas of district into tanks. South Gare lobsters dying - spasming and struggling to breathe before death. Shore officers witnessed this. Lobster taken as sample. Reported losing 20-40kg a day of lobsters. Yes EA at Staithes Borough Council - NEIFCA shared with MMO/ CEFAS SBC told merchant he would be okay as fresh water had come down the river. Merchant unhappy with response - esp with how oxygenated water in tanks is.
24/ 10/ 2021Marske - Saltburn shellfishReports of mass wash up of dead crabs and shellfish on beaches of Marske towards Saltburn. www.northeastfc.uk_dieoff_211014.jpgYes NEIFCA
25/ 10/ 2021Saltburn - Marske beaches shellfish & flatties Reports of wash up at Saltburn and Marske. MMO/ EA/ NEIFCA attended together - large pockets of dead shellfish and flatties with washed up seaweed. Pockets had strong toxic, chemical smells - spasming and struggling to breathe. www.northeastfc.uk_dieoff_211025a.jpg www.northeastfc.uk_dieoff_211025b.jpgYes All agencies
25/ 10/ 2021Redcar to SaltburnshellfishEmail received by NEIFCA over concern over dead and dying crabs washed up between Redcar and Saltburn. Reports of brittle limbs and younger crabs. No
25/ 10/ 2021South Gare PorpoisesReports of porpoises washed up at South Garewww.northeastfc.uk_dieoff_211025c.jpgNo
25/ 10/ 2021Tees Esturary lack of catch Email regarding mass mortalities. Merchant in Staithes refusing to accept lobsters from Tees area. Yes NEIFCA
26/ 10/ 2021Seaton Carew, Hartlepool chemical smellIFCO officers reported strong smells of toxic chemicals amongst dead shellfishYes NEIFCA
26/ 10/ 2021Redcar lack of catch Fisherman worked over 200 pots and had landed small number of lobsters. Fishing 1.8 - 2.4NM off shore. Two weak lobsters given to family member who cooked them and reported strong smell and black silt coming out of them when cut up. Yes NEIFCA/ CEFAS/ EA Intel submitted to agencies
26/ 10/ 2021Staithesmerchant concernMerchant concern about lack of info from agencies - not sure if safe to sell to public. Merchant reported speaking to someone in scotland who had seen this with green algae. Yes NEIFCA/ CEFAS/ EA Intel submitted to agencies
26/ 10/ 2021Staithes to SaltburnEA phone callEA hotline contacted on behalf of commerical fishermen by NEIFCA - reported pots having no alive shellfish in them. Dead shellfish and strong smell - 5 to 25 fathom of water. Yes EA at Staithes Borough Council - NEIFCA shared with MMO/ CEFAS
27/ 10/ 2021Marske ShellfishNEIFCA officers observed large pockets of washed up shellfish on beaches of Marske walking to Saltburn. Pockets of shellfish smelling more toxic than previous days. Yes NEIFCA/ CEFAS/ EA Intel submitted to agencies
27/ 10/ 2021SkinningroveCrabs & lobstersSM post (Teeside Coastal Wildlife) reported wash up of dead crustaceans - could be seen on beach. Also dead cormorant. www.northeastfc.uk_dieoff_211027.jpgYes NEIFCA/ EAIntel submitted to agencies
27/ 10/ 2021Redcar lack of catch NEIFCA officers has conversation with skipper of commercial fishing vessel stating nothing alive within 3NM. Fished outside and some alive but many dead. Landings low and only two fleets in sea. Yes NEIFCA/ EAIntel submitted to agencies
28/ 10/ 2021StaithesCrabsMOP reported large number of crabs in tock pools on backs and clearly weaker than usual. Almost every rock pool had several crabs like this and all crabs were seen on their backs. Called EA but advised to contact NEIFCA by EA. Yes NEIFCA/ EAIntel submitted to agencies
02/ 11/ 2021N/ Amerchant concernMerchant email sent to NEIFCA over situation - concern of expansion of area southward and may reach Whitby/ Scarborough. No
02/ 11/ 2021Middleton, HartlepoolCrabsReports on SM of wash up of 100 dead crabs in Middleton area. Public reporting their attempts to put shellfish on fronts as they were on backs and twitching. Yes NEIFCA
02/ 11/ 2021SkinningroveCrabs Offshore IFCO crew came alongside vessel in North of District. Skipper showed dead and dying shellfish he was removing from pots. www.northeastfc.uk_dieoff_211002a.jpg www.northeastfc.uk_dieoff_211002b.jpgYes NEIFCA/ EA/ CEFASSamples taken and placed in evidence bags in secure storage with NEIFCA.
04/ 11/ 2021Hartlepool Crabs MOP reported dead and dying crabs off Marine Drive on the Headland, Hartlepool. www.northeastfc.uk_dieoff_211104a.jpgYes NEIFCA
04/ 11/ 2021Headland, HartlepoolCrabsMOP reported shellfish being washed up - NEIFCA officer observed 50-70 crabs washed up. One crab which was twitching taken for sample. Yes NEIFCA/ EA/ CEFASSample taken.
04/ 11/ 2021SaltburnshellfishSM post showing Beach Cleaning in Saltburn group reports and evidence of more dead shellfish. Yes NEIFCA/ EA/ CEFAS
04/ 11/ 2021Runswick BaycrabsReports of hundreds of dead crabs washed up in RB. Yes NEIFCA
05/ 11/ 2021RedcarshellfishReported SM dead or dying shellfish on Redcar beaches. NEIFCA officers observed the above, one lobster reported amongst crab. Yes NEIFCAOne twitching crab taken for samples.
05/ 11/ 2021RedcarWorms Reports to NEIFCA from chairman of Redcar recreational fishing club stating worms which have been collected digging bait are dying after a few hours. Not experienced before.Yes NEIFCA
07/ 11/ 2021SandsendShellfishReports of small wash ups of dead shellfish near Sandsend near rocks. Yes NEIFCA
08/ 11/ 2021Runswick BayCrabsNEIFCA officers observed quantities of shellfish washed up on shore. Small in size. Yes NEIFCA
08/ 11/ 2021Redcarlack of catch Fisherman - vessel MK fished various fleets with very poor landings. Several reports to NEIFCA of single figure landings. Yes NEIFCA
10/ 11/ 2021Redcar to Staitheslack of catch Phone call with merchant and NEIFCA - angry and frustrated as no support given. Reports of fishermen selling up due to financial strains of landings. Every pot in fleet at Saltburn had been brought up with dead crabs and lobsters in. Yes NEIFCA
11/ 11/ 2021Redcarlack of catch CEFAS & NEIFCA conversation with fishermen at Redcar - reporting landings down and what is caught is dying or twitching. Yes NEIFCA/ CEFASSamples taken and placed in evidence bags in secure storage with NEIFCA.
12/ 11/ 2021Whitby & Redcar dogs Reports to officers that a few dogs had died recently from eating washed up crabs from beaches. Yes NEIFCA
12/ 11/ 2021Whitby & Redcar lack of catch Fisherman told officers crabs caught were on backs and twitching. Yes NEIFCA
15/ 11/ 2021Redcar lack of catch Merchant told offiers no crabs and very few fish in nets. From landings it was reported that nothing was alive within 2NM. Reported diver been down South Gare and shellfish dead on sea bed. Yes NEIFCA
16/ 11/ 2021Whitby & Redcar shellfishFishermen reported fishing off Ravenscar walking along Stoupe brow there were large quantities of dead and ying shellfish described as spasming on shore. Yes NEIFCA
16/ 11/ 2021Robin Hood's BayshellfishReport to NEIFCA of wash up of shellfish both alive and dead. Yes NEIFCA
16/ 11/ 2021Whitby lack of catch Fishermen discussion with NEIFCA officers about nothing being caught inside of 3NM which is not dead or dying. Yes NEIFCA
16/ 11/ 2021WhitbyCrabsOfficers visited Stoupe Beck regrding shellfish wash up. Reported signs of shellfish. Yes NEIFCA
17/ 11/ 2021Horden Beachcrabs MOP reported pile of edible crabs at Horden beach. Sent NEIFCA video link. Yes NEIFCA
19/ 11/ 2021Scarboroughlack of catch Fisherman report dead and dying crabs twitching in the pots near Wayburn Hyke. Yes NEIFCA
24/ 11/ 2021Staithes, Marske, Saltburn, Redcarlack of catch Merchant call to NEIFCA regarding issues. Reported lobsters in his tank going on to backs and twitching and reports from those landing that dead and twitching shellfish in pots. Yes NEIFCA
28-29/ 11/ 2021MarskeshrimpLocal fisherman reported washed up shrimp dead on beach in Marske.Yes NEIFCA
01/ 12/ 2021Runswick BayoctopusMOP reported hundreds of octopus washed up in Runswick Bay. Officers went and collected samples. www.northeastfc.uk_dieoff_211201.jpgYes NEIFCA/ CEFAS/ EA Samples taken and placed in evidence bags in secure storage with NEIFCA.
03/ 12/ 2021Headland HartlepooloctopusMOP reported 30-40 dead octopus on Marine Drive beach. www.northeastfc.uk_dieoff_211203a.jpgYes NEIFCA
03/ 12/ 2021Littlehaven, South ShieldsoctopusReported beach littered with dead octopus. www.northeastfc.uk_dieoff_211203b.jpgYes NEIFCA
06/ 12/ 2021Runswick BaycrustaceansFisherman reported green shore crab, edible crab, velvet crab and spider crabs all on backs bubbling at mouth and twitching.Yes NEIFCA
27/ 12/ 2021Boggle Hole crabsEmail from MOP with washed up crabs on beach at Boggle Hole. www.northeastfc.uk_dieoff_211227.jpgYes NEIFCA
12/ 01/ 2022North Yorkshire/ Teessidedogs Reported by vets in media outlets about dogs getting sick from Scarborough, Whitby, Saltburn, Seaton Sluice. Yorkshire coast pet care issues statement to keep off beaches. Yes VETS/ NEIFCA
02/ 02/ 2022Redcarlack of catch NEIFCA shore officers discussion with fisherman that nothing caught off 2NM and concern over financial implications.Yes NEIFCA
02/ 02/ 2022Redcar lack of catch Merchant conversation with NEIFCA officers about no catch or fishermen working from Redcar. Lobsters still weak and dying and often dead in keep pot. Merchant losing out also.Yes NEIFCA
08/ 02/ 2022Hartlepoollack of catch Fishermen told shore offices nothing being caught in pots near Longscar buoy. No signs of life. Yes NEIFCA
26/ 02/ 2022HartlepoolPorpoisesDead porpoise www.northeastfc.uk_dieoff_220222c.jpgYes EA
01/ 03/ 2022Staitheslack of catch IFCO's spoke with fisherman saying no lobsters only crab being caught. Yes NEIFCA
01/ 03/ 2022Redcarlack of catch IFCO's spoke with fisherman who had 600 pots and onlu 8 crab, 5 codling and 50k lobster over two days. Yes NEIFCA
02/ 03/ 2022Hartlepoollack of catch IFCO's spoke with fisherman who had to move further off due to no catch in affected areas. 700 pots worked for 50kg of edible crab, 11kg of lobster and 30kg of codling. Yes NEIFCA
15/ 03/ 2022RedcarcrabsReports of divers off South Gare looking for lead weights witnessed dead and dying crabs. Yes NEIFCA
15/ 03/ 2022MarskeLobstersMerchant told officers that in the last week one fishing vessel had 8 lobsters which had died in 24 hours. Lobsters weak and going on backs. Merchant has been blue banding South Gare/ Redcar lobsters to compare against Whitby/ Staithes. Yes NEIFCA
21/ 03/ 2022ScarboroughCrabsEA reported a contact had been in Scarborough and seen small amount of dead edible crab washed up on beach. Yes NEIFCA/ EA
28/ 03/ 2022HartlepoolprawnsNEIFCA conversation with prawn trawler reporting massive reduction of catch - landing only 3/ 4 of a basket of prawns fishing 2NM off Saltburn. Normally 8 baskets in comparison from previous year. Yes NEIFCAReported to agencies as intel
04/ 04/ 2022HartlepoolprawnsNEIFCA officer spoke to prawn trawler reported no catch of prawns in area - usually fish 2.3NM out of Tees Bay near to dumping ground. No dead organisms caught either despite 90mm mesh. Had nothing in 6NM so has moved out to 9NM. Yes NEIFCAReported to agencies as intel
19/ 04/ 2022HartlepoolCrabs and LobsterReports of dying crab and lobster found washed up on beach at North Gare and Hartlepool. Footage showed crabs on backs and lobste on rocks. Yes NEIFCAReported to agencies as intel
25/ 04/ 2022Hartlepool & Redcar ShellfishOfficers attended Seaton Carew, North and South Gare areas and witnessed wash ups. Yes NEIFCAReported to agencies as intel
26/ 04/ 2022HartlepoolSeal & bird NEIFCA patrol witnessed dead seal and sea bird on South Gare. Yes NEIFCAReported to agencies as intel
28/ 04/ 2022South Gare Various NEIFCA shore officers attended and witnessed quantities of lobsters, swimming crabs, razor clams and squat lobsters washed up. Yes NEIFCAReported to agencies as intel
29/ 04/ 2022South Gare Various NEIFCA shore officers attended and witnessed quantities of lobsters, swimming crabs, razor clams and squat lobsters washed up. Yes NEIFCAReported to agencies as intel
04/ 05/ 2022HartlepoolLobstersShore officers received dead lobster from fisherman. 15 lobster dead in catch. Yes NEIFCASample taken to agencies by NEIFCA
04/ 05/ 2022SaltburnVarious Shore officers attended Saltburn to find wash up of shore crabs, lobsters, flat fish, codlings, squat lobsters and swimming crabs.Yes NEIFCA/ EA/ CEFASSamples taken and placed in evidence bags in secure storage with NEIFCA.
06/ 05/ 2022WhitbyCrabs5 dead edible crabs from fishing vessel. Yes NEIFCASamples taken and placed in evidence bags in secure storage with NEIFCA.
06/ 05/ 2022RedcarCrabs & lobsters1 dead lobster and 3 edible crabs from fishing vesselYes NEIFCASamples taken.
09/ 05/ 2022StaithesLobstersConversation with merchant had collected lobsters which had died in tanks from last 3 weeks from 1 fishing vessel. 15 in total. Yes NEIFCASamples taken and reported as intel.
09/ 05/ 2022HartlepoolLobsters1 fishing vessel caught dead lobster. Yes NEIFCASample taken
13/ 05/ 2022CrimdonSeal & bird Dead adult seal reported to Durham County Council by MOP. No signs of obvious injury. Yes Durham County Council None
16/ 05/ 2022Bran Sandslack of shore crabOfficers investigated Bran Sands and checked 30 tyres. Unepectedly empty as they would normally be found at this time of year. Black silt also noted by officers. Yes NEIFCA
19/ 05/ 2022South Gare LobstersSnorkler reported to NEIFCA footage of lobster on it's back exhibiting twitching and lethargic behaviour. Yes NEIFCA
20/ 05/ 2022WhitbyVelvet Crbs Report from fisherman of twitching velvet crab and lobsters in pots 1.5NM off Whitby. Toxic odour reported and headaches of crew. Yes NEIFCA
21/ 10/ 2022North Gare Dogs MOP reported dog ate crab found on shoreline. Vomiting and diarrhoea within 24hrs. Dog died a week after intensive therapy at vetinary hospital. Yes VETS PDSA
24/ 05/ 2022Staithes/ RedcarLobstersPhone call from merchant - fishing vessel had stored lobsters in 3 keep pots and landed catch totalling 100kg. Merchant lost 13kg of lobsters to death. Yes NEIFCAReported as intel to agencies
24/ 05/ 2022StaithesLobstersConversation with merchant regarding symptomatic lobsters. 3-5 showing symptoms. Yes NEIFCA Reported as intel to agencies
31/ 05/ 2022RedcarLobstersPhonecall from merchant re: wash up on Redcar beach. Some lobster collected. Yes NEIFCA
01/ 06/ 2022ScarboroughVelvet crabs Skipper from Scarborough caught 3 velvets displaying symptoms of twitching and on backs.Yes NEIFCAReported as intel to agencies
07/ 06/ 2022Redcar SeaweedNEIFCA officers reported large wash up of mostly seaweed across the beach in Redcar/ South Gare. Officers noted it was a lot deeper than previous ones. www.northeastfc.uk_dieoff_220627.jpgYes NEIFCA
07/ 06/ 2022RedcarLobstersNEIFCA officers on site at Redcar beach near North scaurs between sewage outfall pipe and cinema. Officers reported seeing 3 whole dead lobster washed up, lots of claw and shell of lobster and edible crab washed up. Officers inspected the gills of the dead whole lobsters and noted seeing copepod parasites and that the gills were black. Officers noted dead sighting puffins and gannets. Also reported a milky/ yellowy foam on the waterline in parts. Officers provided below coordinates as the centre of the wash up which they estimated to be an area of 30m x 10m.www.northeastfc.uk_dieoff_220607a.jpg www.northeastfc.uk_dieoff_220607b.jpg www.northeastfc.uk_dieoff_220607c.jpg www.northeastfc.uk_dieoff_220607d.jpg www.northeastfc.uk_dieoff_220607e.jpg www.northeastfc.uk_dieoff_220607f.jpg www.northeastfc.uk_dieoff_220607g.jpg www.northeastfc.uk_dieoff_220607h.jpg www.northeastfc.uk_dieoff_220607i.jpg www.northeastfc.uk_dieoff_220607j.jpg www.northeastfc.uk_dieoff_220607k.jpg www.northeastfc.uk_dieoff_220607m.jpgYes NEIFCA
08/ 06/ 2022WhitbyShore Crab Decreasing numbers of shore crab in Whitby Harbour reported. Reports of 2 shore crabs on backs blowing bubbles. 8 kept but normal numbers would be up to 100. www.northeastfc.uk_dieoff_220607n.jpg www.northeastfc.uk_dieoff_220607o.jpgYes NEIFCAReported as intel to agencies
08/ 06/ 2022RedcarGannets Reports from fishermen gannets seen dead close to Whitby Harbour and Robin Hood;s Bay. Yes NEIFCA
30/ 06/ 20222m dumps GurnardsPot bait skin burnt off 220630.jpgwww.northeastfc.uk_dieoff_220630-thumb.jpgNoNo
04/ 07/ 2022Hartlepool Fish Sands Brown CrabWashed up - some twitching - mass wash up of seaweed and dead winkles www.northeastfc.uk_dieoff_220704a.jpg www.northeastfc.uk_dieoff_220704b.jpgNo
14/ 08/ 2022North Sands - Steetley to Crimdon Sprats Mass wash-up of sprats www.northeastfc.uk_dieoff_220814a.jpgYes EA
27/ 08/ 2022HartlepoolSealDead seal floating around boat www.northeastfc.uk_dieoff_220827.jpgNo
09/ 06/ 2022Whitby/ Markselack of catch Fishermen reported to officers catches are bad. Only small quantities of edible crab and lobster. Dead shellfish also collected. Yes NEIFCAReported as intel to agencies
07/ 09/ 2022WhitbyLobstersEvidence of lobster with melted eggs. Yes NEIFCAReported as intel to agencies
12/ 09/ 2022HartlepoolLobstersEvidence of lobster with melted eggs. Yes NEIFCAReported as intel to agencies
14/ 09/ 2022WhitbyLobstersEvidence of lobster with melted eggs. Yes NEIFCAReported as intel to agencies
21/ 09/ 2022Marske beachVarious Reports on SM of significant amounts of razor clams, mussels, bivalves, urchins, seaweed and flat fish, crabs and starfish washed up. www.northeastfc.uk_dieoff_220921a.jpg www.northeastfc.uk_dieoff_220921b.jpgYes NEIFCAReported as intel to agencies
22/ 09/ 2022WhitbyCrabEvidence of crab landed with melted eggs.Yes NEIFCAReported as intel to agencies
14/ 10/ 2022Redcar Beach AnemonesReports of mass wash-ups of anemones www.northeastfc.uk_dieoff_221014a.jpg www.northeastfc.uk_dieoff_221014b.jpgNo
14/ 10/ 2022Seaton Carew WhaleOne whale washed up off Seaton Carew www.northeastfc.uk_dieoff_221014e.jpgNo
14/ 10/ 2022HartlepoolLobster, sea mice, crab shells Fishermans email with evidence of dead sealife in pots. www.northeastfc.uk_dieoff_221014c.jpg www.northeastfc.uk_dieoff_221014d.jpgNo
19/ 10/ 2022HartlepoolSprats Reports of dead sprats near Greatham Power Station. Yes NEIFCA/ EASamples taken and reported as intel.
20/ 10/ 2022Redcar LobstersMerchant reported more landed lobsters dying in his tanks.Yes NEIFCA
24/ 10/ 2022Seaton Carew, Hartlepool LobsterMOP reported dead lobster and crabs littering Seaton Carew beach. www.northeastfc.uk_dieoff_221024.jpgYes EA at Staithes Borough Council - NEIFCA shared with MMO/ CEFAS No incident number given
26/ 10/ 2022South Gare Various Reports and witnessed by officers wash up of the following: whelks, mussels, swimming crabs, cockles, barnacles, winkles. Yes NEIFCA/ EAReported to EA
27/ 10/ 2022Runswich BayBarnaclesBig tides - barnacles on rocks - can lift sheets up with fingers. Covered in silt and appear melted - some taken for testing www.northeastfc.uk_dieoff_221027a.jpg www.northeastfc.uk_dieoff_221027b.jpgYes NEIFCA/ York University Samples taken by York Uni
28/ 10/ 2022South Gare Whelks Wash up of tiny whelks www.northeastfc.uk_dieoff_221028.jpgNo
31/ 10/ 2022WhitbyLobstersReport from vessel 5 dead lobsters in pots at Saltwick Hole.Yes NEIFCA
02/ 11/ 2022BridlingtonCrabsSkipper reporting hauling pots 20mile off Bridlington and having dead crabs in catch. Yes NEIFCA
08/ 11/ 2022Marske/ Saltburn/ RedcarLobstersSkipper reported to IFCO officers 6 dead lobsters in pots in Marske and Saltburn. Yes NEIFCA
08/ 11/ 2022Redcar Lobsters Skipper reported to IFCO they had dead lobsters in pots. Yes NEIFCA
14/ 11/ 2022WhitbyLobstersSkipper reported to IFCO they had 3 dead lobsters in pots. Yes NEIFCA
22/ 11/ 2022HartlepoolShrimp/ krillEvidence of mass amounts of shrimp/ krill washed up along Hartlepool coastline. Yes NEIFCA/ EAEA said bad weather - none recorded.
07/ 12/ 2022South Gare Seaweed and various IFCOs patrolled South Gare and reported seaweed, parts of lobsters, razor clams, dead mans fingers and mussels. Yes NEIFCA
09/ 12/ 2022HartlepoolSeaweed and various IFCOs patrolled beaches in Hartlepool and reported wash up of seaweed, razor clams, crab shells and legs, dead trout and other unidentifiables. Yes NEIFCA
08/ 01/ 2023HartlepoolLack of catch Email from fisherman to say that we are back at the starting point in terms of lack of catchesNo
21/ 01/ 2023Runswick BaySeal cubSeal cub reported dead. No visible signs of injury or traima. www.northeastfc.uk_dieoff_230121a.jpgNo
23/ 01/ 2023Hayburn & Wyke Kelp Bed Kelp beds died - only stalks left www.northeastfc.uk_dieoff_230123.jpgNoRef: 02125316 - several wash ups linked to this no
26/ 01/ 2023Hartlepool Sea HaresOvertaking eco-system. No other life on the forehore. Feeding on dead kelp. No
27/ 01/ 2023Hartlepool Kelp Kelp beds died - only roots left on rocks www.northeastfc.uk_dieoff_230127a.jpg www.northeastfc.uk_dieoff_230127b.jpgYes EA
06/ 02/ 2023Hartlepoollack of catch fisherman reporting significant lack of catch after 3 hour haul. www.northeastfc.uk_dieoff_230206a.jpg www.northeastfc.uk_dieoff_230206b.jpgNo
22/ 02/ 2023Redcar starfishMOP reported dead starfish and mussel shells on shoreline walking from coast road car park to Redcar. 220222a www.northeastfc.uk_dieoff_220222b.jpgNo
08/ 03/ 2023MarskeStarfish MOP reports of starfish in the water pools at Marske. None alive and an abundance of the species reported.
29/ 03/ 2023Saltburn Starfish & Razor clams MOP reported wash up of starfish, razor clams and also mussels. Beach littered with species. www.northeastfc.uk_dieoff_230329a.jpg www.northeastfc.uk_dieoff_230329b.jpgYes EA REF: 2139749
08/ 04/ 2023MarskeStarfish MOP reported starfish was up at Marske.Yes EA REF: 230411/ ER16
10/ 04/ 2023Redcar Starfish MOP reported starfish was up at Redcar. www.northeastfc.uk_dieoff_230410a.jpg www.northeastfc.uk_dieoff_230410b.jpg www.northeastfc.uk_dieoff_230410c.jpg
14/ 04/ 2023Whitby lack of catch Reports from local whitby fisherman that local fleet working lobster/ crab pots from whitby to redcar and no brown crab or velvets. 500 pots worked in total. No
15/ 04/ 2023Skinningrove Starfish Fisherman from whitby reported an abundance of starfish in lobster pots. Collected from fleets show excess of species. www.northeastfc.uk_dieoff_230415b.jpgNo
15/ 04/ 2023Hazelgrove Starfish Report from MOP regarding wash up of starfish on the beach just down from Hazelgrove. Some were visibly damaged. www.northeastfc.uk_dieoff_230415a.jpgYes EA EA refused to log the incident - 'Will' said it was not a matter for the EA.
27/ 04/ 2023Marske - Saltburn Mussels, clams. starfish etc Video from MOP showing extensive 'graveyard' sites between Marske and Saltburn - crunching of debris is evident in sound No
28/ 04/ 2023Saltburn Shellfish, starfish, razor clams, lobster, urchins, fishWash up on The Ship side of Saltburn. www.northeastfc.uk_dieoff_230428a.jpg www.northeastfc.uk_dieoff_230428b.jpg www.northeastfc.uk_dieoff_230428c.jpg www.northeastfc.uk_dieoff_230428d.jpg www.northeastfc.uk_dieoff_230428f.jpg www.northeastfc.uk_dieoff_230428g.jpg www.northeastfc.uk_dieoff_230428h.jpgYes EA & CEFASMOP reported and samples taken
28/ 04/ 2023Redcar Mussels, clams. starfish etc Reports of seashells, razors, mussels, clams and whelks, starfish, lobsters and crab claws near Warrenby outfall pipewww.northeastfc.uk_dieoff_230428i.jpgNo
30/ 04/ 2023Seaton CarewMussels Mass wash-ups of mussels on Seaton Carew beachwww.northeastfc.uk_dieoff_230430.jpgNo
01/ 05/ 2023MarskeShellfish, lobster, raxor clams, mussels etcMOP reported range of washed-up species on Marske beachwww.northeastfc.uk_dieoff_230501a.jpg www.northeastfc.uk_dieoff_230501b.jpgYes EA
01/ 05/ 2023Seaton CarewMusselsMOP reported spread of mussels across SC beach. No
05/ 05/ 2023Seaton Carewmussels Reports of wash up of mussels significant amounts between Newport bridge and SC.www.northeastfc.uk_dieoff_230505a.jpg www.northeastfc.uk_dieoff_230505b.jpgNo
16/ 05/ 2023Marske - SaltburnVariousApprox 250 dead starfish on incoming tide between Marske and Saltburn along with mussels, razor fish, small crabs, urchin shells and flat fish.www.northeastfc.uk_dieoff_photo_az.1.jpg www.northeastfc.uk_dieoff_photo_az.2.jpg www.northeastfc.uk_dieoff_photos_az.3.jpgYesEARef: 2150981
17/ 05/ 2023Marske High StreetVariousMOP reporting dead sealife - people saving sealifewww.northeastfc.uk_dieoff_photo_ba.1.jpgYesEARef: 2161381
19/ 05/ 2023Spittal PointDead small crabsSmall little crabs observed by MOP at Spittal Pointwww.northeastfc.uk_dieoff_photo_bb.1.jpg www.northeastfc.uk_dieoff_photo_bb.2.jpg www.northeastfc.uk_dieoff_photo_bb.3.jpg www.northeastfc.uk_dieoff_photo_bb.4.jpgYes
20/ 5/ 2023North Sands, HartlepoolStarfish, small crabs, fishMOP reported significant number of small crabs, fish and starfish amongst coal shingle.www.northeastfc.uk_dieoff_photo_bc.1.jpg www.northeastfc.uk_dieoff_photo_bc.2.jpg No
21/ 5/ 2023MarskestarfishMOP reported video with significant amount of star fish on the tide line. No
27/ 05/ 2023Hartlepool - Brus Tunnel to CrimdoncrabsMOP observed dead crabs littering the beaches between the area noted.www.northeastfc.uk_dieoff_photo_bd.1.jpg www.northeastfc.uk_dieoff_photo_bd.2.jpgNo
18/ 06/ 2023Greatham CreekcrabsMOP who work tyres contacted as several small shore crabs were dead or dying. Video of them twitching on their backs. YesEAIncident No: 2161628
26/ 06/ 2023South GareseaweedMOP reorting lots of washed up seaweed in various stages of decay.www.northeastfc.uk_dieoff_photo_be.1.jpg www.northeastfc.uk_dieoff_photo_be.2.jpg www.northeastfc.uk_dieoff_photo_be.3.jpgNo
08/ 07/ 2023Saltburn BeachstarfishMOP/ surfer reporting an alarming number of dead starfish on the beach today.No photoNo
30/ 07/ 2023Headland HartlepooljellyfishMOP reported a significant amount of jellyfish out of the water and on the beaches/ rocks across Headland beacheswww.northeastfc.uk_dieoff_photo_bf.1.jpg www.northeastfc.uk_dieoff_photo_bf.2.jpg www.northeastfc.uk_dieoff_photo_bf.3.jpgNo
31/ 07/ 2023Saltburn beachcockles, mussels, razor clamsMOP reported abundance of species wshed up on saltburn beach along with a high number of jellyfishwww.northeastfc.uk_dieoff_photo_bg.1.jpg www.northeastfc.uk_dieoff_photo_bg.2.jpg www.northeastfc.uk_dieoff_photo_bg.3.jpgNo
03/ 08/ 2023whitbycrabs, lobsters, other speciesMOP shared video on SM and confined next to point of pier near the scar. Dead lobsters and baby lobsters No
01/ 09/ 2023SaltburnstarfishThousands of starfish at Saltburn beneath Huntcliff - from MOP video No
01/ 10/ 2023Hartlepoolshore crabsVideos sent from fishermen in HBC moorings at low tide showing dead and twitching shore crabs Yes
11/ 10/ 2023Saltburnrazor clams, young lobster, clam, starfishMOP reported on Saltburn beach - huge quantity of razor clam, lesser quntity of young lobster, clam and starfishwww.northeastfc.uk_dieoff_photo_bh.1.jpg www.northeastfc.uk_dieoff_photo_bh.2.jpgYes
12/ 10/ 2023Redcarcrab, lobsterMOP reported 'crab graveyard' at Redcar on beachwww.northeastfc.uk_dieoff_photo_bi.1.jpg www.northeastfc.uk_dieoff_photo_bi.2.jpgYes
14/ 01/ 2024Hartlepool - Victoria HarbourlobsterDead lobster - kept for samplingNo
30/ 04/ 2024Middleton Beach HartlepoolcocklesWash up of dead cockles on the beach which was clean a day earlierwww.northeastfc.uk_dieoff_photo_bj.1.jpg www.northeastfc.uk_dieoff_photo_bj.2.jpg www.northeastfc.uk_dieoff_photo_bj.3.jpg Yes
chronology_of_marine_die-offs.txt · Last modified: 2024/05/05 22:51 by nefcadmin